"Anyone who does anything to help anyone in his life is a hero to me"---- Fred Rogers.
Schools are a hub of students where they receive their education, but the school's support staff are just as important in ensuring that the students are well equipped for their adult life. If our school can perform all its activities flawlessly without any obstruction, the support staff has a great hand in it. They foster positive, trusting relationships with our school.
We at Bal Bhavan value our support staff just like the faculty and students and feel obligated for their selfless services towards the organisation. They never leave any chance to provide their generous services to the organisation and so the firm also defrays them in all possible ways beyond salaries.
Their austerity cannot be reserved upto salaries, that is why we stand behind them and always have their back. In order to extend our recognition to their services, we hail them on esteemed events such as Foundation Day and Labour Day which helps us to instil in them the confidence of being a part of 'Bal Bhavan Parivar'. Recognising their importance to the organisation gives us enormous joy and getting recognised gives them the same.