
“COVID -19 Epidemiology, Prevention, Diagnostics andCOVID -19 Epidemiology,

01-02-2020 News

"Play is the highest form of research"
-Albert Einstein

An early start helps the tiny tots to flourish and thrive in a bilingual and multicultural learning environment. First five years of a child's life are very crucial as 90% of the brain development takes place during this period.

We inculcate moral values and discipline as these are the decisive parts of learning. The curriculum is designed to prepare the child by encouraging him/her to become self-directed, confident and empowered with skills , knowledge and wisdom.

The teaching strategies include-

  • Integrated hands on activities.
  • Traditional Teaching-the talk and chalk method.
  • Storytelling and real-life experiences sharing.
  • Sports and mind engaging games.
  • Exclusive curriculum with digital learning.
  • Reinforcing and gauging child's learning through fun ways.

The ethos and spirit

The ethos and spirit of Public School education is a complete, well- rounded education. At BBPSLN School, sports and extra - curricular activities are as important a part of our curriculum as academics. The School has a vibrant Co - Curricular programme. The students opt from a variety of choices for their CCA, Societies ranging from Creative Writing, Electronics, Cookery, Design Technology, Kite Making and Flying, Calligraphy, Pottery, Aero Modelling, Carpentry, Wood Work, Bamboo Work, Bird Watching and Philately to English and Hindi Elocution, Debate and Dramatics, Photoshop and Design, Science Club, Quiz Club, Model United Nation simulation programme, Heritage Club, Photography, Oliphant, Word Worm, Sankalp, Film Society, Electronics Club, Chess Club and the Dance Club.